§1 Definitions
- Publisher – Pejot, Paweł Jońca, Królowej Marysieńki 82a, 02-954 Warszawa, NIP: 951-145-43-91, REGON: 013160943
- Service – an online trading platform run by the Publisher, available in the domain paweljonca.com.
- Transactions – contracts for the sale of Goods concluded between users of the Website.
- Gift Code or Code – a tool (represented by an alphanumeric code) entitling the User to purchase Goods offered on the Website on its basis, up to the maximum amount corresponding to the nominal value assigned to a given code.
- Buyer – an entity that purchases a Gift Code from the Publisher or Publisher’s Partner in exchange for transferring funds, or acquires it free of charge on the basis of separate regulations.
- User – Buyer or any holder of a Gift Code using the Gift Code.
- Goods – items offered for sale in the Store.
- Payment Operator – payment operator available on the paweljoca.com website (see: regulations).
§2 General conditions
- These Regulations define the conditions of use of the Gift Code.
- The Publisher undertakes to accept Gift Codes for redemption on the Website. The Gift Code is purchased by way of a sales contract in exchange for funds received from the Buyer, or in any other way resulting from separate regulations. The Gift Code purchased from the Publisher will be transferred to the Buyer – in the case of purchase directly from the Publisher – by e-mail to the Buyer’s address indicated in the Buyer’s account settings on the Website. After making the payment for the Gift Code, the Buyer receives the Gift Code within the next 10 minutes in the form of an e-mail containing the Gift Code, which consists of numbers and letters. The Publisher recommends that the Buyer verify all folders in his/her e-mail, in particular the “SPAM” folder, in order to verify whether the Gift Code has been transferred to the Buyer. Payment for the Gift Code purchased on the Website may only be made using the Payment Service made available on Website.
- The nominal value of the Gift Code that Users can purchase, received in exchange for cash, may be, in the case of purchase from the Publisher, min. PLN 50 (in words: fifty zlotys), and a maximum of PLN 2,000 (in words: two thousand zlotys).
- The Gift Code cannot be purchased online directly from the Publisher using another Gift Code purchased online directly from the Publisher.
- The Gift Code cannot be exchanged for cash (cash) in whole or in part under any circumstances. The above also applies if the Gift Code is not redeemed within the validity period.
- The User may pay only the price of the Goods with the Gift Code. The amount constituting the value of the shipment of the Goods is covered by the User from his own funds.
- To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Publisher is not responsible for the use of the Gift Code by a third party, as well as for loss due to a reason not attributable to the Publisher, after its transfer to the Buyer.
- The Gift Code is valid and active for a period of 365 days from the date of its purchase. The expiry of the Gift Code’s validity period makes it impossible to complete a Transaction using the Gift Code on the Website.
§3 Rules for using the Gift Code
- Redeeming a Gift Code involves enabling the User to purchase Goods on the Website in exchange for presenting the Gift Code to the Issuer in the payment process for these Goods.
- If the value of the purchased Goods is higher than the nominal value of the Gift Code presented to the Publisher for redemption in a given transaction, the User is obliged to pay the difference between the price of the Goods and the value of the Gift Code by way of payments made via the Payment Service.
- A given Gift Code may be redeemed only once in one payment for a Good as part of a Transaction, and it may be a Transaction concerning one or several Goods for which one payment will be made. If the amount used for the Transaction is lower than the value of the Gift Code used, the User will lose the difference resulting from the value of the purchased goods in relation to the value of the Gift Code.
- The Publisher has the right to refuse to redeem the Gift Code in the event of: a) the expiry date of the Gift Code, b) lack of technical possibility to redeem the Gift Code (in particular in the event of inability to connect to the Publisher’s IT system), provided, however, that the Publisher will redeem the Gift Code immediately after the obstacle indicated in this point ceases to exist, c) if the User’s actions violate the provisions of the Regulations or if the User has taken any actions aimed at bypassing the security measures used by the Publisher or involving falsification of data, d) prior use of the Gift Code.
- If the User’s actions violate the provisions of the Store Regulations or if the User has taken any action aimed at bypassing the security measures used by the Publisher or involving falsification of data, the Publisher also has the right to block the User’s account maintained on his behalf on the Website.
- Gift Codes can only be purchased through the paweljonca.com store.
- If you purchase a Gift Code by providing your own data (name/surname and e-mail address), after completing the payment, the buyer will receive a digital PDF file containing the completed data and a code enabling a one-time transaction on the website.
- If you purchase a Gift Code with the details of the recipient (name/surname and e-mail address), the recipient (code user) will receive an e-mail along with a PDF document with the Code ready to use, and the buyer, after making the payment, will receive confirmation of the transaction to the provided e-mail address, and a code enabling a one-time transaction on the website.
- Activation of a Gift Code purchased directly from the Publisher takes place at the moment of payment by the Buyer.
- The Gift Code is invalid after its expiry date.
- The Gift Code is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped as a result of purchasing a Gift Code.
§4 Complaints
- Users may submit complaints regarding Gift Codes directly to the Publisher.
- All complaints related to the purchase and use of Gift Codes will be considered by the Publisher within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of submission of the complaint by the User.
- The User may contact the Publisher regarding services provided under these Regulations in the following form: a) in writing to the following address: Królowej Marysieńki 82a/3, 02-954 Warszawa b) via the e-mail address: mail@paweljonca.com.
- The User may submit a complaint if the services provided for in these Regulations are not provided by the Publisher or are provided contrary to the provisions of the Regulations. Complaints regarding purchased Goods may be submitted on general terms.
§5 Return
- The Buyer may return any previously unused Gift Code purchased directly from the Publisher via the Website within 14 days from the date of payment for the Gift Code. In the case of other Publisher’s Partners, the complaint deadlines provided for by a given partner apply in this respect.
- The Buyer may return a Gift Code purchased directly from the Publisher by writing to mail@paweljonca.com. The Publisher verifies whether the Gift Code that the Buyer wants to return is active, i.e. unused before, and after positive verification, refunds the amount equivalent to the Gift Code by bank transfer, and the Gift Code will be deactivated.
- In the event of the return of all Goods (withdrawal or termination of the Goods sales contract) that were the subject of a Transaction paid for using a Gift Code, the User will receive a new Gift Code with the same nominal value as the Gift Code used in this Transaction. The validity period and terms of use of the new Gift Code will be the same as the original Code. If there are less than 14 days left to the expiry date of the original Gift Code at the time of withdrawal or termination of the Goods sales contract, the new Gift Code will have a 14-day validity period – counted from the moment the new Code is granted.
- In the event of returning part of the Goods from a Transaction paid using a Gift Code (partial withdrawal or termination of the Goods sales contract), the User will first receive a refund of the funds that he or she paid via the Payment Service, and if this amount is lower than the value of the returned Goods, the missing amount will be refunded. part will be returned to the User in the form of a new Gift Code, with a nominal value equal to this difference. The validity period and terms of use of the new Gift Code will be the same as the original Code. If there are less than 14 days left to the expiry date of the original Gift Code at the time of partial withdrawal or termination of the Goods sales contract, the new Gift Code will have a 14-day validity period – counted from the moment of granting the new code.
§6 Final provisions of the Gift Code regulations
- The content of these Regulations is available on the website at: https://paweljonca.com/en/gift-code-terms-and-conditions/
- The issuance of a Gift Code does not constitute a sale subject to value added tax (VAT) within the meaning of applicable tax law.
- The Publisher reserves the right to change the conditions set out in these Regulations. The User is bound by the terms and conditions that are binding at the time of purchasing the Gift Code, unless a change in the terms and conditions is required by law or by a competent state authority, or the new terms and conditions are more favorable to the User – then the User is bound by the new terms and conditions.
- The provisions of the Regulations and generally applicable provisions of Polish law will apply to all matters not regulated in these Regulations.
- In the event of any conflict between these Regulations and the Regulations, the provisions of these Regulations shall apply.